Wind Ready Installation Advantage
Wind Ready specializes in the in the Retro-Fit installation of impact resistant windows, doors, and fixed glass products. Our teams of direct employed and continuously trained installation professionals and glazing specialists have logged years of experience, and our award winning installation technics have become industry standard.
Direct Employment Advantage
All of our teams of installation and glazing professionals are direct employed. Wind Ready uses no sub-contracted labor. This allows us to deliver a better product to ownership by continuously training our men, and focusing on our core competencies.
Manufacturers Training
In addition to in-house training all of our installation and glazing professionals undergo extensive manufacturers cross-training. Our manufacturing partners have developed an extensive continuing education program to update skills vital in the field.
Retrofit Installation Advantage
- 90{e6710d9070ad14635ca0ece6d999703af6be7e1b32df6778cb4c37dffe9571f9} of all of our Installations are Retrofit Projects.
- Wind Ready has Extensive experience in Mid-Rise and High Rise Retrofit.
- Our experience in coastal retrofit applications allows us to give you a premium end product that is meticulously and professionally installed.
- We have learned that each site is different, and conditions vary.
- We have had the privilege of tackling many unique site specific issues as they have arisen on past projects.
- Each condition has been met by engineering creative, innovative, and economically conscious solutions to tough problems.
Protecting the Owner Occupied Space
Wind Ready places special emphasis on protecting your property. Because of our extensive experience in retrofit, we have developed new and innovative protective measures that allow us to successfully protect property while removing and installing impact windows and doors. By protecting existing flooring, furnishings, and finishes, and mitigating dust intrusion, we can provide a turn-key installation with little or no mess.
Dedicated Project Management
Wind Ready provides every project with full time dedicated project management, in addition to a project manager your project will be supported by a project engineer that will handle all administrative and documenting duties.